
It Takes A Community To Build Good Schools!

No matter how much (or how little) time you have, we have a spot for you!  The list of needs a volunteer can fill is endless and the special talents of volunteers cannot be purchased. Every community has available talent and resources that will benefit the PTA and, in turn, the students. People will be more supportive of public education when asked to share some of their time as volunteers.   A volunteer can be many things: a role model for students, an extra pair of hands to help teachers or staff, and a liaison between the school and community.

Who Can Be A Volunteer? 

Working parents, stay-at-home parents, young adults, grandparents – basically anyone can be an invaluable PTA volunteer. The volunteer does not have to be a college graduate and can be young or middle-aged, work outside the home or within the home, or be retired.

Volunteer Application Process

We look forward to having you join us in supporting Martin Sortun Elementary! To be a volunteer, please complete the form below.  Once you click Submit, you will be directed to the Kent School District site to complete the volunteer application process. Each volunteer will need to complete the Kent School District VIPS form in order to volunteer on school campus.

Volunteer Form

  Parent/Gaurdian Contact Information:

Student Information:

Please check off the programs you are interested in helping with:

Click Submit to complete the Kent School District Volunteer Application.  This application MUST be completed for you to volunteer on the school campus. 

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